martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


It is a place to communicate with friends and family, to share photographs or funny links you find on the Web, to play social games like Farmville or Mafia Wars, search for long-lost friends or even chat interactively with your buddies.
In short, it is your home on the web.

Facebook is a social network founded in February of 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Originally a social network for students of Harvard University, it became a hit on campus and expanded to other colleges. In 2005, Facebook opened itself to high schools, and in 2006, it was open to everyone. Since then, it has experienced tremendous growth, bypassing MySpace in terms of global popularity.
The popularity of social networking websites like Facebook is based on the phenomenon of social searching where people are keen to get information about a person, group or event. boasts of more than 350 million users worldwide. With so many people interacting with one another online daily

When users have finished reviewing their settings, a confirmation page will be displayed. Settings can still be adjusted whenever users want. As the site grew and as they rolled out new features, Facebook became less about colleges and more about sharing lots of content with different groups of people. So a little more than a year ago, they started working on a new privacy model to reflect how the site had evolved.

As News Feed became more central to your experience, they added privacy settings so you could control who could see each individual status update, photo album, video and everything else you share into the stream.

Many of today’s “Facebook generation” will already be very familiar with the above saying, whereby more and more of these young people (18-24 year-olds) refuse to
believe something they’re actually told face-to-face until they have it confirmed as ‘fact’ on Facebook.
For instance, a young man may tell his friends he’s dating a certain girl, she may
even confirm this to her girlfriends.
Yet, it will only become ‘set in stone’ if and when it appears on their Facebook sites.
What an incredible situation.
Also, it’s not unusual for a Facebook user to have a couple of thousand photos, dozens of videos and hundreds of friends.
Next time you have a real drama ‘though, try this simple exercise, Facebook these friends and see how many actual turn up for you in your hour of need.
The virtual has become, to many people, more trustworthy than the real.
I’m sure I’m not the only person to find this recent development
more than a little disturbing.

Yet, there are many good things to say about Facebook, and social networking
in general:
‘Positive Impact of FaceBook:

Social networking can enrich social lives for those separated from family and friends by long distances, bringing them together despite the physical separation.
This has recently come to light in the number of people in the Armed Forces using YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter to stay in touch.

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